Friday, September 30, 2011

What Is Reiki Energy?

What is Reiki energy?
Reiki is commonly defined as Universal Life Energy, or Universal Life Force Energy. What is universal life energy? Many Reiki practitioners assume Reiki energy is a distinct entity. It’s possible, however, that Usui was referring not to something distinct, but rather to all subtle bio-energies, a group of putative bio field energies that includes Qi (or the Japanese ki) and PRANA (which is very different from qi/ki). These are called putative because no conventional science documents their existence.  BUT a rather large body of research documents the impact of the Reiki connection on the human system. The Reiki connection? … if you have had a reiki practioner or have experienced reiki you will understand this and what I mean, but basically this is what happens in the ‘reiki connection”:   
When a Reiki practitioner passively places hands on someone (or hovers just off the body), the recipient’s system responds by moving toward balance. This response is typically experienced as relaxation. People often fall into a deep sleep-like meditative state, or they experience
a threshold state in which they are aware of their surroundings while remaining deeply in-drawn.   This state of profound (or even minimal) relaxation is significant. It is in this state that the body heals itself. The power of the resting cure has been recognized throughout the ages; the science behind it is well documented in the stress reduction literature.  The Reiki connection reminds the body of its capacity to self-heal. For this, we have some documentation.

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