Monday, December 19, 2011

At Silvana Massage we use our own product line “Forest Nymphs Vegan Bath & Body” which is 100% junk free. Which means we do not use any preservatives, parabens, which ahave been linked to cancer and have been found in breast  cancer tumors, all our products are free of Sulfates, Synthetic Fragrances, Synthetic Dyes, Petro-Chemicals, Phthalates, GMO and Triclosan. 
We use organic ingredients and below are some of them and why we use them:
    We use only Essential Oils such as …. Basil (Tulsi) Considered India's queen of herbs, basil is a tonic refresher and detoxifier and helps stimulate circulation under the skin. With abundant anti-oxidants and antibacterial compounds, it is excellent in treating minor infections and various skin conditions, including acne and congested complexions. Helps neutralize the toxins of bug bites and stings as well as enhance skin immunity and luster. Provides nourishment and healing for dry, itchy scalp and enhances sheen in hair. The aromatherapeutic properties of Basil sharpen the senses and create alertness.   Bergamot Botanical obtained by cold pressing the peel of the bitter orange. It is know for its sweet smell and has powerful antiseptic and antibiotic and calmative properties that help to help stress, tension, anxiety, depression and heal skin conditions and wounds……Eucalyptus (Nilgiri) Contains anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic and germicidal properties. Relieves aches and pain in the muscles and joints. Has a cooling, refreshing, and stimulating effect on the skin and scalp and helps heal wounds, cut, abrasions, sores and irritations. A natural decongestant and immune system stimulant…..Fennel An astringent and active antioxidant, helps clear excess oil on the skin and has a toning effect. Stimulates healthy circulation, and maintain muscle tone and elasticity of the skin and connective tissue. Due to the estrogenic properties, it helps with bruises, fights wrinkles and promotes more youthful complexions……..Geranium Invigorates complexion, improves elasticity and has a tremendous balancing effect on every skin type. A natural astringent, it promotes proper blood flow, helps minimize scar tissue and rapidly heals wounds. Contains strong antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties. On an aroma-therapeutic level, it promotes stability and balance…….Ginger Contains the antioxidant gingerol, with fights skin-damaging free radicals and promotes smooth and even skin tone. As a natural anti-inflammatory and energizer, eases joint and muscle discomfort as well as soothe and relax tension. With a strong warming effect, it helps promote circulation. The phenol compounds in ginger are also responsible for its pain-relieving abilities……Clove Derived form a plant that originally comes form India, Clove is a strong antiseptic and bactericidal herb used to treat many skin conditions. Improves circulation and helps reduce pain and discomfort. Rich in minerals, such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium, as well as vitamins A and C. Its aromatherapeutic properties help to stimulate the brain………..Lavender Has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral and analgesic properties. Extremely healing and valuable in the treatment of many skin disorders and injuries, disinfects scalp and skin and enhances blood circulation. Lavender is also a natural anti-depressant and balances the psyche as well as the body……Lemon With natural nutrients and a rich content of vitamin C, lemon is detoxifying, astringent, antiseptic, disinfectant, anti-infection, antifungal, carminative and stimulating. Lemon increases the luster of dull skin, aids in purification and rejuvenates the skin. Its antiseptic properties treats blemishes and various skin disorders. Also an effective hair tonic…….Mint Used in Ayurveda for curing a variety of skin problems, mint nourishes both dry and oily skin types. With astringent and anti-inflammatory properties, mint protects the skin from physiological damage while it hydrates and rejuvenates. Contains large amounts of menthol as well as vitamins A, C, B2, and B3Also effective in treating blemishes and reducing puffiness, while healing, invigorating and refreshing the hair and scalp. See our Minthe” Body Scrub at inspired by the Nymph Minthe’ .
Orange (Sweet Orange) Anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and bactericidal, orange helps strengthen the epidermis layers, increase circulation and improve cell hydration and regeneration. A sedative for nervous energy and tension, orange is known for its energetic and harmonizing effects……Patchouli An excellent skin tonic used to promote and stimulate new cell growth, prevent the formation of scar tissue and help to calm inflamed skin. Also regulates combination and oily skin conditions and helps rejuvenate chapped, cracked, mature or sensitive skin types. Patchouli is astringent and anti-septic……Sage Astringent, antiseptic and antibacterial, balances the production of sebum and eliminates over-dry and over-oily skin, acts as a tonic of the skin. Used also in hair care for regulating the sebum production and eliminating greasy, oily hair and scalp…….Sandalwood A highly regarded herb in Ayurvedic medicine, sandalwood has been used to treat acne and rashes in addition to providing powerful anti-aging therapies. Anti-microbial, anti-inflammatory and extremely soothing and cooling in nature, sandalwood effectively hydrates, relieves allergies and itchiness and balances all skin types.
We also use organic botanicals such as herbs and flowers…Hibiscus Rich in AHA’s, amino acids and antioxidants. Works well in treating and rejuvenating damaged and irritated tissue. With astringent, anti-inflammatory and free radical scavenging properties, hibiscus enhances the retention of the skin's hydric content, restores hair's natural barrier, hydrates the keratin fibers and regenerates hair structure……Jasmine Regarded as the king of the flowers, contains sweet, exotic and rich aroma-therapeutic properties and has been long used for its divine scent. Deeply relaxes, lifts depression and boosts confidence. Jasmine has soothing, anti-inflammatory and healing properties, tones and improves skin elasticity…….Oat Protein Hydrolyzed oat protein is a natural humectant clinically proven to increase hydration. It is anti-inflammatory and anti-itching, helps condition the skin and hair and adds a silky smooth feel. A moisturizing and conditioning agent for the skin and hair.
This an educational glimpse at a few of our magical apothecary botanicals in our Forest!

And we use carrier oils such as Hemp Seed Oil ( see our blog for a full write up on WHY we use Hemp ) for their amazing properties ….Olive Oil A fruit oil obtained from the olive that is high in anti-oxidants, including vitamin E, and promotes a smooth and radiant complexion. Olive oil is helpful in maintaining the elasticity of the skin and is deeply rejuvenating for dry, dehydrated and brittle skin conditions.Aloe Vera  Absorbs into human skin up to four times faster than water and provides a natural barrier that shields the cells from toxins. Naturally rich in vitamins A, C, D, E, and B12, Aloe Vera has soothing and cooling properties that relieve redness, irritation and itchiness, while nourishing the skin and tissues. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial, it works to speed the healing of cuts, bruises and sunburns, as well as minimize scarring.    Avocado Oil Promotes the regeneration and rejuvenation of the skin and imparts a superior moisturizing effect. Rich in proteins, vitamins A, D and E, lecithin, and potassium. Contains oleic and linoleic acid as well as sterolins, which are reputed to reduce age spots, heal scars, relieves dryness and itchiness and alleviate sun damage. Avocado is easily absorbed into cellular tissue, increases the amount of collagen in the skin, and contains high emollient properties........Jojoba Oil Very similar to human sebum, making it very compatible with the skin. Rich in vitamin E and antioxidant properties, leaves skin smooth, supple and balanced. This humectant draws water to the skin's surface creating a protective barrier that seals in moisture.

Our salt scrubs and bath salt therapy products contain dead sea salts and the extraordinary therapeutic effects of Epsom Salt, which  Draws toxins from the body, relaxes muscles, and reduces swelling, sprains and bruises. Epsom salts naturally sedate the nervous system and have emollient and exfoliating properties on the skin….. Another botanical, is Yerba Mate’ and Green Tea Extract which contain high levels of polythenols, abundant antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Helps slow down the development of aging, reduce sun damage and improve elasticity…..Turmeric Considered one of the greatest skin healers, turmeric is antibacterial, anti-viral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anti-allergenic. Rich in antioxidants, it effectively protects the skin cells from damage, rejuvenates cellular tissue, helps reduce pigmentation and provides smooth and glowing skin. Vitamin E Because of its anti-oxidant activity, vitamin E is vital in protecting skin cells from elements that produce cell damaging free radicals. Also, helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles and is extremely effective in the treatment of scars, stretch marks and age spots.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


The human body can survive for weeks without food. We can last days without water. But when it comes to air – around 6 minutes.

The breath is the very essence of life. With a full inhale, we flood oxygen into the lungs. Every cell in your body also inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. In Vedic tradition, air is closely linked to Prana – the life force that flows through all living creatures – plant and animal. So if you've been feeling claustrophobic, unsettled, or just not totally there, it may just be that you haven’t been breathing well. You could think of it as an art – to breathe well requires focus and effort. The result of practice with the breath creates more interior space and supports all over health.
If you've been waiting, here's your invitation to discover the breath, also called pranayama.

Prana, commonly translates as the upward moving currents within the body, is a subtle form of energy. Whether or not the energy body is something you feel you can access, the breath is right here, accessible to each one of us. Yes, we naturally inhale and exhale but breathing consciously helps us to visualize, localize, be thoughtful and practice. In this way, the lungs, intercostals, and diaphragm strengthen; sending rich life-giving oxygen from the follicles of the hair down to the very tips of the toes. Through focused regular practice of simple breath work, we can feel the positive effects it has on our nervous system.

Now let’s quickly touch on the nerves. This nervous system has two parts: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems. The sympathetic is the fight or flight response that prepares the body for sudden stress by controlling physical things like our heart rate, the adrenals and our breathing. In general, when we inhale, we activate the sympathetic system, our action oriented, heating, male energy. The parasympathetic system does the opposite – it prepares the body for rest, When we exhale, the parasympathetic system kicks in, awakening our intuitive, cooling and female energy.

Focused, mindful breathing brings the nervous system into balance. So when fear arrives, consciously shift the body into the parasympathetic system through the breath. This part of conscious living – total attention to the physicality of your body - can occur by simply deepening the breath, even inhales and exhales, filling the lungs fully, and emptying the lungs fully. The breath can be one of the most therapeutic ways to calm the body AND mind when we need some love a.s.a.p.
Don't forget to "Breathe"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hemp seed oil is renowned for its skin moisturizing and rejuvenating properties and has the highest concentration of essential fatty acids (EFAs) of any oil, as well the perfect balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFAs. Essential fatty acids have the ability to enter directly into the lipid layers of skin cells, replenishing Ithe oils that are missing due to sun exposure, poor nutrition or neglect; and as shown by clinical studies can actually slow down the aging effects on skin.

Throughout history the anti-inflammatory properties of hemp seed oil have been used as a soothing restorative to dry, damaged skin. The replenishing nutrients of hemp seed oil are able to penetrate deep into skin cells - providing natural emollients and a lasting barrier to moisture loss - increasing the skin’s natural capacity for moisture retention.

The industrial hemp that is used in cosmetics today is not marijuana although they are from the same species (Cannabis Sativa). The seeds are sterilized, virtually removing any traces of THC (tetrahydrol cannibinol)- the mind-altering compound found in the drug. Industrial hemp can be grown with relatively little fertilizer and without the pesticides that have been known to pollute ground water and river systems.

We use hemp seed oil in all of our products. Science has proven that hemp seed oil is good for the body and skin. Once you experience the hemp benefits in Forest Nymphs products, we think you'll agree.



Tuesday, November 1, 2011

See My New Product Review by ChaChaMiss23 Beauty Editor!

  ( ChaChaMiss Reviews NEW Rolled Soap & Bath Bomb from my ForestNymphs Bath & Body Line)



Also  'like" us on our Facebook page,  and become eligible to win products! One winner chosen monthly!!


Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Stimulate the Lymphatic system with any of our organic mineral-rich body scrubs. Daphne made with organic brown sugar, citrus organic essential oils of lemon, sweet orange and  sage, “Rock Me” Salt scrub, made with invigorating mint and refreshing lime! Or Rehab Detox Body Scurb from our massage line, Silvana Wellness. Made with essential oils of Fennel, Mint and Organic Botanicals! Any of these are sure to get your circulation going and get you feeling amazing!
Our skin is the largest organ of the body, take care of it and it will take care of You.  Exfoliate ( scrub) from head to toe before showering. Finish with a quick cold rinse. You’ll look and feel amazing and ready to tackle the wintery holiday season!
You can find any and all of our body scrubs at

Monday, October 10, 2011

Silvana with Buster The Horse at Hanaeleh Horse Rescue

Giving Reiki To Abused Horses at Hanaeleh Horse Rescue

Silvana Giving Reiki To Tom The Horse
As the owner of Silvana Massage & Wellness and creator of our Forest Nymphs Bath & Body Line, I believe in not only making Fresh, Vegan, Organic Bath Body products that are fabulous for body, mind and soul but in also supporting the animals, vegetarian, veganism related events nationwide. I donate a portion of our profits to various vegan, pro- animal cruelty free organizations. I personally donate my time, Reiki healing, my hands (massage) and my handcrafted products to support these amazing people who have built these organizations, that care enough about animals, humanity and mother earth, to make a positive difference. On my birthday, Oct 8, 2011 I donated my time to giving Reiki to abused horses along with family and friends at Hanaeleh Horse Rescue in Trabucco Canyon, CA  ( Orange County) Please check their site out  at . It was an incredible time! A perfect start to my birthday weekend!  Thanks so much for reading!  xoxo Peace Love, Silvana                    

Friday, September 30, 2011

What Is Reiki Energy?

What is Reiki energy?
Reiki is commonly defined as Universal Life Energy, or Universal Life Force Energy. What is universal life energy? Many Reiki practitioners assume Reiki energy is a distinct entity. It’s possible, however, that Usui was referring not to something distinct, but rather to all subtle bio-energies, a group of putative bio field energies that includes Qi (or the Japanese ki) and PRANA (which is very different from qi/ki). These are called putative because no conventional science documents their existence.  BUT a rather large body of research documents the impact of the Reiki connection on the human system. The Reiki connection? … if you have had a reiki practioner or have experienced reiki you will understand this and what I mean, but basically this is what happens in the ‘reiki connection”:   
When a Reiki practitioner passively places hands on someone (or hovers just off the body), the recipient’s system responds by moving toward balance. This response is typically experienced as relaxation. People often fall into a deep sleep-like meditative state, or they experience
a threshold state in which they are aware of their surroundings while remaining deeply in-drawn.   This state of profound (or even minimal) relaxation is significant. It is in this state that the body heals itself. The power of the resting cure has been recognized throughout the ages; the science behind it is well documented in the stress reduction literature.  The Reiki connection reminds the body of its capacity to self-heal. For this, we have some documentation.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

FALL Promo.. FREE SHIPPING when you buy 2 products or more!

Forest Nymphs & Silvana Wellness products are formulated WITHOUT:- Parabens
- Sulfates
- Synthetic Fragrances
- Synthetic Dyes
- Petro-Chemicals
- Phthalates
- Triclosan
~My products do not contain any junk in them~

Monday, September 26, 2011


                             WATER ~ BODY ~ DETOX

Living and working so close to the ocean, to the beach is truly a gift! I love the town I live in of Huntington Beach, CA. For me living by water is where I feel at home. Water sports are my favorite,  to be immersed in water, be it a salt water pool at home, or in the ocean is an AMAZING feeling! As it should be, since our bodies crave that connection with nature. When we are in utero we are incapsulated in a sac of water; we, our bodies  are 65% water, we can live for days, weeks without food but not without water.  
So it makes sense that to 'detox' our bodies of all the junk we inflict , water is the main event in detoxing our bodies.
In this blog post I want to emphisize how important water is to our mind, body and spirit. Think of the cleansing, the detoxification of your body as a river.  When the river is full, it flows and all that is in its path, the branches, leaves,etc flows with it. Just as the river, when we drink water our bodies are cleansed of all these toxins, leaves, branches that have made us stuck.  Your body relaxes and it can do its job.

Drink enough water, the correct amount of water for your body  ( drink half your body weight in ounces of water. ex: if you weigh 150lbs, drinking 75 ounces of water is a good amount for your body) and  you will prevent dehydration which causes  your heart and your body overall to work harder, not to mention a list of other issues, such as having headaches and  body pain.  Drinking water will help prevent wrinkles-anti-aging. Your skin wont be bone dry and will help eliminate fat aswell.

So pump up your water intake...or start drinking water if you  are one of those that does not :) your body will thank you, you will feel better, your joints will be lubricated; waste will be flushed out of your body, all your organs will be functioning better and your body will be at a state of homeostaisis. 

As a massage therapist, I enourage water intake through out the day. After workouts, if you drink coffee, or any caffeined drinks, even more so. And especially after you have had a massage. I give all my clients a bottle of water to take with them after their massage session.
So Drink UP and let me know how you feel., how your skin looks, how your body feels. I know you will be happy with the results :)