Wednesday, November 30, 2011


The human body can survive for weeks without food. We can last days without water. But when it comes to air – around 6 minutes.

The breath is the very essence of life. With a full inhale, we flood oxygen into the lungs. Every cell in your body also inhales oxygen and exhales carbon dioxide. In Vedic tradition, air is closely linked to Prana – the life force that flows through all living creatures – plant and animal. So if you've been feeling claustrophobic, unsettled, or just not totally there, it may just be that you haven’t been breathing well. You could think of it as an art – to breathe well requires focus and effort. The result of practice with the breath creates more interior space and supports all over health.
If you've been waiting, here's your invitation to discover the breath, also called pranayama.

Prana, commonly translates as the upward moving currents within the body, is a subtle form of energy. Whether or not the energy body is something you feel you can access, the breath is right here, accessible to each one of us. Yes, we naturally inhale and exhale but breathing consciously helps us to visualize, localize, be thoughtful and practice. In this way, the lungs, intercostals, and diaphragm strengthen; sending rich life-giving oxygen from the follicles of the hair down to the very tips of the toes. Through focused regular practice of simple breath work, we can feel the positive effects it has on our nervous system.

Now let’s quickly touch on the nerves. This nervous system has two parts: the sympathetic and the parasympathetic systems. The sympathetic is the fight or flight response that prepares the body for sudden stress by controlling physical things like our heart rate, the adrenals and our breathing. In general, when we inhale, we activate the sympathetic system, our action oriented, heating, male energy. The parasympathetic system does the opposite – it prepares the body for rest, When we exhale, the parasympathetic system kicks in, awakening our intuitive, cooling and female energy.

Focused, mindful breathing brings the nervous system into balance. So when fear arrives, consciously shift the body into the parasympathetic system through the breath. This part of conscious living – total attention to the physicality of your body - can occur by simply deepening the breath, even inhales and exhales, filling the lungs fully, and emptying the lungs fully. The breath can be one of the most therapeutic ways to calm the body AND mind when we need some love a.s.a.p.
Don't forget to "Breathe"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Hemp seed oil is renowned for its skin moisturizing and rejuvenating properties and has the highest concentration of essential fatty acids (EFAs) of any oil, as well the perfect balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6 EFAs. Essential fatty acids have the ability to enter directly into the lipid layers of skin cells, replenishing Ithe oils that are missing due to sun exposure, poor nutrition or neglect; and as shown by clinical studies can actually slow down the aging effects on skin.

Throughout history the anti-inflammatory properties of hemp seed oil have been used as a soothing restorative to dry, damaged skin. The replenishing nutrients of hemp seed oil are able to penetrate deep into skin cells - providing natural emollients and a lasting barrier to moisture loss - increasing the skin’s natural capacity for moisture retention.

The industrial hemp that is used in cosmetics today is not marijuana although they are from the same species (Cannabis Sativa). The seeds are sterilized, virtually removing any traces of THC (tetrahydrol cannibinol)- the mind-altering compound found in the drug. Industrial hemp can be grown with relatively little fertilizer and without the pesticides that have been known to pollute ground water and river systems.

We use hemp seed oil in all of our products. Science has proven that hemp seed oil is good for the body and skin. Once you experience the hemp benefits in Forest Nymphs products, we think you'll agree.



Tuesday, November 1, 2011

See My New Product Review by ChaChaMiss23 Beauty Editor!

  ( ChaChaMiss Reviews NEW Rolled Soap & Bath Bomb from my ForestNymphs Bath & Body Line)



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